Choosing the Right Strata Management Company

If you’re a resident of a complex in Adelaide, you’ll want to choose a strata management Adelaide company that understands your needs and your community. Adelaide Strata and Community Management is an expert team specialising in strata management. With more than ten years of experience, we’re well-equipped to help you manage your complex.

Qualities of a good strata manager

One of the most important traits of an excellent strata manager is responsiveness. It’s important to be responsive to the needs of your clients and tenants and to respond to their concerns promptly. Strata managers must also know the rules and regulations governing strata property management. In addition, they should communicate regularly with their clients and tenants and be available for maintenance issues and questions as needed. For professional strata management Adelaide services, check out at JE-Whites now.

strata management AdelaideA good strata manager, Adelaide, will attend training and seminars regularly. This will help them stay on top of legislation changes and ensure their client’s compliance. They should also be SCA accredited, making it easy for your clients to identify the manager’s affiliation with the industry.

Strata fees

If you own an apartment in an owner’s Corporation, you’re likely familiar with strata management fees. Strata fees depend on the unit you live in and what amenities are available to you. They can also vary depending on the age of the building. Older buildings can be more expensive to maintain and may have higher special levies and repairs than newer buildings. Review your by-laws to determine the correct fee structure for your unit to determine how much you’ll need to pay.

In addition to strata management fees, other costs are included in the fee. These include the costs of common areas and other assets. So, for example, if your property has many units, you can expect to pay a higher strata fee.

Owners’ Corporation

As an Owners’ Corporation in a building, you are responsible for maintaining and managing the common property in your building. You also have certain duties to fulfil, such as preparing levies and paying the invoices of the Corporation. In addition, your strata corporation must elect officers to oversee the Corporation, including a presiding officer, secretary, and treasurer. You may also elect one person to hold multiple positions. You must also hold an annual general meeting, which will allow you to address issues and elect committee officers. For professional strata management Adelaide services, check out at JE-Whites now.

When considering buying a property under a strata title scheme, it is vital to understand your rights and responsibilities. This is why it is essential to seek advice from an experienced strata management company. An Adelaide strata management company will typically have a team of professionals with a wide range of expertise, ensuring you receive the best advice possible.


Stratacomm is a trusted strata management Adelaide company that offers cost-effective solutions to property owners. They provide expert advice and regular building maintenance to ensure that buildings are managed correctly. As a member of the Strata Community Australia, they are committed to delivering quality, honest and efficient customer service. Stratacomm’s range of services covers residential, commercial and mixed-use properties.

Stratacomm’s professional managers strive to form close relationships with their clients and deliver superior service. They are equipped with comprehensive legislative knowledge and years of experience in property law. They are also qualified to take care of the day-to-day operations of their client’s properties. In addition, they provide access to quality service providers and use sophisticated financial systems to monitor and manage risk.


STRATARAMA’s Directors have extensive backgrounds in Real Estate and Strata Management. In their experience, they’ve seen too many people make bad decisions in strata and experience poor communication and service. In contrast, only a handful of Managers provide genuine service, education and communication to all their clients.

Stratarama is committed to providing clients peace of mind by providing strata management Adelaide services. The company is a member of the Strata Community Association of Australia or SCA, and its Director, Tony Johnson, is a level three practising manager. The SCA has a code of conduct and provides regular training to its members.

STRATARAMA provides a full range of financial management services. From preparing levies for the Owners Corporation to monitoring and paying invoices, Stratarama’s professionals can help you achieve financial stability and peace of mind. They can also prepare annual financial reports and prepare required budgets. In addition, they keep records of each Corporation’s trust accounts. For professional strata management Adelaide services, check out at JE-Whites now.

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